About Pilates (pi-l?¤’tez):
Joseph Pilates wrote that one’s self-confidence and health come from a balanced trinity of body, mind, and spirit-a belief that probably sounds pretty familiar to most yogis. The sheer physical emphasis of Pilates can give yogis a new body awareness about their strengths and weaknesses, help them become more mindful of their limitations, and give them insight into how the body moves. ~ Yoga Journal, March/April 2004
Mat work is the core of Pilates training. The precise exercises developed by Joseph H. Pilates in the 1920’s are tried and true in building core strength, increasing flexibility & range of motion, improving coordination, control of movement, alignment, and deep full breathing. With practice and intention, building strong abdominal and postural muscles – also k nown as the powerhouse – is invaluable in the support of the skeletal system. Pilates exercises focus on using the breath to channel core energy into the center of the body and out to the limbs. From there, Pilates works toward creating symmetry between the left and right sides of the body helping the body learn how to naturally prevent injury and improve overall physical performance. Over time, core-strengthening exercises can be incredibly invigorating and educational by informing one’s daily motions, athletic performance, yoga practice and overall health in general. The Pilates classes at Bernal Yoga are intended to help students gain a deeper awareness and respect for their own, unique bodies.
(Each Pilates exercise can be modified to suit most people, of any age or fitness level. At the same time, Pilates is widely recommended by doctors, physical therapists, and chiropractors for older people and those undergoing physical rehabilitation. If this is the case, however, please let the studio and your instructor know so that we can help direct or accommodate your concerns safely and effectively.)